
RiffTrax Live 2017

Created by RiffTrax: Mike, Bill & Kevin

Thanks to you, the Kickstarter community, we shattered RiffTrax Kickstarter records in 2016 when you helped us fund our Mystery Science Theater 3000 Reunion show. This year, we're headlining our Live show slate with one of our biggest names ever! With your help, we can make this the most amazing year of RiffTrax Live yet!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final shirt design revealed and a Thank You page!
over 7 years ago – Tue, May 09, 2017 at 08:47:50 PM

Greetings, denizens of Kickstarterland!

Since we last saw each other, the live-and-in-person taping of our Summer Shorts Beach Party in Nashville has already SOLD OUT! It’s our fastest-selling show in years - the Belcourt ran out of tickets within a matter of days, almost two months before the show! That’s mighty impressive, and we hope you were able to take advantage of that advance ticketing window perk for being a backer. If not, there are still plenty of tickets available to catch the broadcast at a theater near you.

Final shirt design!

Without further ado, it is with great pleasure that we’re able to give you the first look at the final artwork for our EXCLUSIVE Kickstarter backer tee, by the shirt.woot legend himself Adam Koford, aka ApeLad!

By the time you finish reading this, the image on BackerKit will be updated, too!
By the time you finish reading this, the image on BackerKit will be updated, too!


We’d like to thank you brilliant backers for your suggestions during the design process - we couldn’t have made such an awesome shirt without you! We’ll be putting in the fulfillment order for our first batch of them in the next couple of weeks, so please get your surveys completed as soon as possible. This design will not be available anywhere else, so be sure to claim yours!

And remember, thanks to the BackerKit system, you can order “Add-Ons” such as more shirts and DVDs - perfect for your riff-loving friends and family! Plus, anyone who didn’t back the original campaign can head to the BackerKit Pre-orders page for a limited time to purchase these items and back us as a "Slacker Backer."

We've created Slacker Backer packages at the $50 and $75 level, for anyone who missed the original campaign but still wants to make a pledge for those rewards. Folks who purchase a Slacker Backer reward will have their information synced over to once we’ve locked down surveys and charged your cards, no later than May 31st. We’ll remind you before that happens, of course. (NOTE: for pledge changes, the same applies: your updated backer info or reward level will not be reflected on until we have charged your card.)

Thank You page is here!

Now that we've received over 90% of our surveys from you, we made our 2017 Thank You Page for this campaign live! That's a lot of generosity!

If you aren’t listed there, but have pledged at least $5 to this campaign, make sure you’ve completed your Backer Survey at BackerKit so we can add you! We’ll import names again from completed surveys later this week, and will continue to do so until surveys are locked down. If you’d like your name to not be included for any reason, simply enter your name as “NONE” for the answer to that survey question. You can still make changes to your answers while surveys are unlocked!

MP3 Gift Card rewards are ready, too!

If you backed us at the $15 level or higher, your MP3 Riff gift card - a $3.99 value! - is now waiting for you! Just visit your Rewards Page to unlock it. You can then enter the code you received into the proper text field the next time you’re going through checkout on the RiffTrax site.

As always, if you have any trouble with activating your rewards, please submit a Help ticket and our support gurus will be happy to assist.

Stay tuned for more Kickstarter and RiffTrax Live-related announcements very soon!

- Mike, Kevin, Bill and the rest of the RiffTrax Team

P.S. Lost your survey link, or never received it? Visit the BackerKit Page to request that another one be sent to you. For other issues, please contact BackerKit support, or shoot us a message here on Kickstarter, and we'll help you out!

EDIT: Corrected the reward level at which the MP3 Gift Card is received: it is $15, not $10.

Surveys are out, and shirt art is inked!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 10:39:21 PM

Howdy folks! And happy Saturday.

As many if you have no doubt already discovered...

Surveys are out!

Apologies for the long delay, but we’re happy to announce that our backer surveys were finally sent out via BackerKit, with the vast majority of them being sent yesterday.

Since this is the first time we’ve used the BackerKit system to collect your backer information, we thought now would be a good time to address some questions about the process:

How do I activate my rewards?

It’s easy! When you complete your survey, you’ll be given a button to “Get your digital downloads” like this:

Survey confirmed!
Survey confirmed!

Click that button, and you’ll see a URL with “” in it, followed by a long text string. That’s YOUR personal, unique activation URL, and will automatically activate your rewards when you visit it. (You must be logged into the site first.)

The link is not clickable, so you’ll have to copy-and-paste it into your browser window to gain access to your rewards page on the site. If you're a regular RiffTrax Kickstarter backer, it's important to note that this time, it doesn't matter which email address you used on our site or on Kickstarter; your activation URL handles all the authentication stuff!

Once you've activated, you don't need to do so a second time. Just bookmark and visit that page whenever you wish, to download your available rewards or check for new ones.

I already own some of the free bonus shorts. Where can I find my store credit?

When you activate your rewards on the site, the system automatically checks for ownership of the bonus shorts that were given away to ALL backers. (See the main Campaign page for details on the Stretch Goals that were unlocked.)

The amount of credit you receive will depend on how many shorts you own ($1 per short). So if you own all 10 shorts, you can expect a $10 credit. The credit - and the gift card code you can use to apply it to an order on the site - will be listed on the rewards page, right underneath the list of shorts.

My chosen reward level already includes physical media, but I see options to add them to my pledge. Do I need to?

Not at all! If your chosen reward level included physical media, you don't need to add any to your cart on BackerKit. That means for backers who chose reward levels of $100 and higher, you’re getting, at minimum, three physical discs chock full o’ riffing: Samurai Cop Live (Blu-ray or DVD), Beach Party DVD, and the Bridget & Mary Jo Collection DVD.

You can, of course, purchase additional copies of those DVDs, as well as shirts and posters via the Add-ons catalog in BackerKit.

I've already paid via Kickstarter. Do I need to pay again?

Only if you're purchasing add-ons! The campaign originally ended on March 25th, and the Kickstarter process of charging cards and collecting payments took about two weeks to complete, and ended April 8th. If you’re happy with the rewards you’re receiving, there’s nothing more for you to do, but we won't stop you from buying more swag.

When will you charge my card?

We plan to charge all cards the day after surveys are locked down - on or around May 31st, assuming there are no outstanding issues. This includes cards used to buy add-ons, as well as any cards entered by folks whose original pledge failed at Kickstarter (as mentioned above).

When can we expect other digital rewards (like the “Rains of Castamere” riff, Batman v. Superman, etc.)?

Those rewards still need to be created! Therefore, we hope to have them available later this year. As noted on the main Campaign page, we have estimated delivery dates of December for most of them, but of course we will deliver each one as they become available, which means sooner if possible.

Samurai Cop and Summer Shorts Beach Party live show downloads will be available approximately 2-3 months after their original broadcast dates.

We’ll be sure to announce each batch of new rewards via this handy Kickstarter Update feature, so stay tuned.

When’s the deadline to fill out my survey?

We’ll lock down all BackerKit surveys no later than May 30th. If anything changes, we’ll be sure to let you know, so make sure to answer yours as soon as possible. Keep in mind, of course, that you'll need to complete your survey before you're able to gain access to your digital rewards on

NOTE: If you're a "Your Face On Screen" reward recipient, we need your photo uploaded to the site by TOMORROW, April 30th, or you might risk not having your face on screen! And nobody wants that. More information is in your BackerKit survey.

I missed the original campaign! Can I still be part of the Kickstarter?

You betcha!

If your payment failed at Kickstarter, never fear! You have another chance to get in on the fundraising action and be part of RiffTrax Live 2017 thanks to BackerKit. If you had selected a pledge level at Kickstarter, but your payment failed during that two week collection process, you now have the ability to complete the BackerKit survey, purchase any Add-ons if you wish, and then enter your payment information there.

For anyone who completely missed the original Kickstarter campaign, but still would like to be a backer, we’re offering Slacker Backer versions of the popular $50 and $75 rewards at the BackerKit Hosted Pre-orders page! (NOTE: Only folks who did not already back us will be able to order them.)

What if I didn’t get a survey?

If you should be getting a survey but haven't seen it yet, try searching your email inbox for “BackerKit” as sometimes they get trapped in a spam folder. Failing that, you can visit anytime to request a new survey email link.


If you have any other questions, please let us know here via the Messages system, or by opening a Help ticket on

Shirt Ink is done!

Last but certainly not least, here is the “ink” version of the exclusive backer shirt design from Adam Koford:

We hope you love it as much as we do!

At this point, we’re optimistic that the shirts will be printed and shipped to you in time for the Doctor(s) in August. We would love to be able to guarantee they’ll be received by you sooner, but we want to make sure everyone has plenty of time to fill out their surveys.

That’s it for now! Enjoy that Samurai Cop Rockin' Action Theme Song and bonus shorts, and stay tuned for more updates, as well as more digital goodies added to your rewards page, very soon.

- Mike, Kevin, Bill and the RiffTrax Team

Samurai Cop Theme song, new shirt sketch, and more!
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 10:58:13 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shorts Party EXCLUSIVE ticket window!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 03:19:55 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Samurai Cop is next week! PLUS: shirt design and more!
almost 8 years ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 12:51:59 AM

Greetings backers!

We’ve got a doozy of an update for you today!

Samurai Cop - NEXT WEEK!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s almost time for the next RiffTrax Live! 

Z'dar you excited yet?
Z'dar you excited yet?


If you haven’t yet, be sure to get your tickets for the show next week, Thursday April 13th, or the encore the following Tuesday, April 18th! Head on over to for tickets, theater information and more. This show is shaping up to be a RiffTrax Live classic akin to Miami Connection and The Room, so you really don’t want to miss it. Or, if you want to catch the show live and in person at the Belcourt Theatre in Nashville, a very limited number of tickets are still available.

In the Los Angeles area? Then stop by the AMC Burbank 16 to meet the cast and crew of Samurai Cop before the show! DISCLAIMER: The wig will, unfortunately, not be in attendance.

Shirt design!

The wait is finally over! We’re pleased as Punch to bring you Adam Koford’s very first sketch of our EXCLUSIVE Backer Shirt design (free to backers at the $80 reward tier and higher) right here, right now!

The shirt’s theme is centered around our upcoming Summer Shorts Beach Party, and a whole cavalcade of RiffTrax favorites are joining in on the fun! NOTE: as this is just a rough sketch, details are subject to change as the artwork progresses.

What do you think so far? Any favorite characters, moment or references you’d like to see included? Let us know in the comments! The shirt will also be available for a limited time as an add-on through our BackerKit store.


You’ve all been patiently awaiting more news regarding your reward surveys, and we’re happy to say they’re coming soon from BackerKit! You can expect something from us in the next week or two - so keep your eyes glued to those inboxes. (You might also want to add [email protected] to your list of trusted senders, just to be safe.)

If you backed us at a “Your Face/Name On Screen” reward level for the Summer Shorts Beach Party, you’ll have a form sent to you very soon where you can submit your name and/or upload your photo. Specifications will be on the form itself.

That’s it for now! Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

-Mike, Kevin, and Bill.

P.S. Want to help spread the word about Samurai Cop? Copy and paste any of the following blurbs into your favorite social media sites:

Samurai Cop is getting the @RiffTrax treatment NEXT WEEK! You just have to see this.

#MST3K fans - don’t miss @RiffTrax LIVE in theaters next week! Who’s up for some Samurai Cop?